February 10, 2015 YASMINE ESLAMI red tulle and ivory Calais lace triangle bra featured in LOVE magazine @lovemagazineinsta @yasmineeslami @kegrand #yasmineeslami #love #lingerie #press Share it back to news ← previous postRUIZ-MUSI limited edition "Trou Clutch " in blue croco skin , leather and plexiglas , made in collaboration with artist Mathieu Bourel featured in L'Officiel Mexico , Gracias @elisa_grazia_it @ruizmusi @lofficielmexico #mexicanartist #mexico #bags #accessories #ruizmusi #press next post →#regram @hedmayner HED MAYNER trench-coat featured in LeMille magazine thank you @fleuremiliehuynh #hedmayner #menswear #press