April 9, 2015 another #tbt beauty Anastasia Barbieri fashion editor in chief at Vogue Hommes International riding her Martone bicycle "the Mercer " in Paris @voguehommes @karimrahmanmakeup #anastasiabarbieri @martonecyclingca #martonecyclingco #paris Share it back to news ← previous postfall winter favorite at Press Days from DROMe , the striped watersnake skin and wool sweater @drome_italy #DROMe #pressdays #fallwinter #paris #skins #knitwear #artisan next post →favorite Fall -Winter a.KNACKFUSS item at PressDays the "Stan" vegan leather and denim shirt from her CUBE collection @alice_knackfuss #pressdays #fallwinter #cubism #sigmarpolke #mondrian #publicimagepr